Ingredients for a single serving:

  • 1 serving of Monte Monaco pea Fusilli Pasta
  • 40 g fresh mushrooms or 15 g dried rehydrated mushrooms
  • 2 leaves red radicchio
  • 1 tablespoon rum
  • 30-40 ml cream (vegetable or cow’s milk)
  • parsley, pepper, chilli pepper, shallot, extra virgin olive oil, salt, caraway (not Indian cumin), a dash of rum, baking powder (optional), garlic powder (optional)


Put the pasta to cook.
In the meantime, fry the finely chopped shallot and sliced mushrooms in a pan with a little oil; add pepper, salt, caraway and garlic. Cook for a few minutes with the lid on. Just about the end of the cooking time, add radicchio, rum and let it evaporate without further covering. Garnish with chopped parsley. Combine the cooked and drained pasta with the cream and stir in the yeast flakes. Serve.

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