Supply chain

We produce our Pasta 100% legumes on the Marche side of the Monti Sibillini National Park and boast a certified supply chain from seed to packaging, always traced by blockchain technology.

The production process takes place with so few steps that we can count on one hand.

From Soil to Seedling

Step 1

The best legumes are grown on organic land according to a certified protocol using quality seeds.

Knowledge and Patience

Step 2

Growing pulses, especially at high altitudes, is quite demanding. The abundance of the harvest depends both on the farmers’ experience and on the weather conditions.

Constant Care

Step 3

After threshing, the crop is cleaned, dried and husked, which is a demanding task that takes the grain to the milling stage.

Flour from our's mill

Step 4

The grains are grinded in the stone mill to obtain a high-quality flour suitable for raw processing. Milling must be performed so that the flour arriving at the mill can be transformed into pasta by simply adding mountain water.

An ancient method

Step 5

The shapes pass through bronze dies under low pressure and are then slowly dried at a low temperature. Pasta is portioned and packaged in compostable bags.

Monte Monaco Bio. 100% legume flour, mountain water and good air


Fava beans



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